A Decade Of Video Marketing Experience With Ryan Hanley

A Decade Of Video Marketing Experience With Ryan Hanley

A Better Way to Watch

Yo what's up guys Todd from Ziotag.com

With his audience at scale

And and quality that you've been putting out

Blogging lead me to video

Post because like three months earlier youtube had

Do you know the core principle of answering

And and today i'm you know

Video game going

I did back in 2011 you would see

Well if you're if you're a really cool

I like watching what they do what they

You know i think that authenticity it's really

You know snap of a finger black feed

But for the most part just have a

Fine sound better

This is an in it is it takes

I would struggle to think that anyone needs

So so that takes a lot of practice

Now if your almond and on and lichen

How much is too much like some point

You'll hear the rhythm and you'll hear places

Section to whack if they're shorter videos 2

And like yeah i got a lot of

You started doing something a little different so

Yep to the personal connection is unbelievable

We get out yeah hey now you know

Took you to 15 minutes in the video

It's live yeah

So if you want to just see like

All right awesome thank you ryan so much