How To Structure Your Live Stream Videos To Be More Valuable & Engaging with Madalyn Sklar

How To Structure Your Live Stream Videos To Be More Valuable & Engaging with Madalyn Sklar

A Better Way to Watch

If you're looking to get started or improve

We met through lewis house school of greatness

Cool we'll talk thank you for having me

So live streaming is something i'm very passionate

The biggest mistake you will see and this

It takes a little bit of time for

Yeah i love that because like you said

You know let's think about this for a

That's what makes live video really cool that's

You don't want to do that you just

And i like the idea of let's have

A replay afterwards but let me ask some

Like you don't have to spend a ton

Like one of the things that we can

And critique yourself and in my video like

And is such a smart way to kind

The replay people to actually you know interact

You're so great at always you know every

You plan out talking points for a video

I already wrote them up for you and

People it was just not something we always

Come to my facebook group i'm going to

Back to where that post is on facebook

I'm really interested in stream yard and kami

You know so find the one that best

Video and is the audiotechnica atr 2100 and

They don't want to sink a bunch of

Well if it was night time

I just grab something out of the photo

Nice beautiful window or you can take things

I mean there's a ton of value in