Scott Johnson History Interview (Audio Only)

Scott Johnson History Interview (Audio Only)

Audio only of Scott Johnson AAGES Interview Project: Archive of Agricultural Genetic Engineering and Society Center Interviewee: Scott Johnson, Vice President of Agricultural iBotechnology for the North Carolina Biotechnology Center Interviewers: Matthew Booker, Todd Kuiken, and Virginia Ferris Interview Date: August 30, 2016 Location: NC State University, Hunt Library Length: 1:51:02 Learn more at SEE FULL TRANSCRIPT AT:

Introductions and Early Life

"I'm Not Going to Show Up in Moscow"

MBA and Joining Rhone Poulenc

Better Living Through Chemistry

Biotechnology Then and Now

Changing Definition of Biotechnology

Starlink Corn Crisis

Into the Entrepreneurial World

The Value of Experience

How GMO Became a Four-Letter Word

Comparison Between GMOs and Pesticides

"You Can't Discount the Power of One Blogger on the Internet"

Mentors and Influences

Research Funding and the Future of Biotechnology

Industry Consolidation and the Future of Genetic Diversity

What Has Driven Genetic Engineering in Agriculture?

Biggest Concerns about the Future of Genetic Engineering

Messages for the General Public

DIY Biotech and GMO Education

North Carolina as an Agricultural Biotechnology Hub

Interview Wrap-Up